Whatever Will We Do… Now?
🙋♀️Anyone else saying to OUR CIRCUMSTANCES what Elisha’s servant said to HIS?
“Oh, what will we do NOW?”😩 (2 Kings 6:15) Whatever will we do as a nation, as Christians, as mothers NOW?
If you’re nodding along with me, may Elisha’s response burrow deep down in our very core: “Don’t be afraid! For there are more on our side than on theirs!” (v. 16)
STILL IS TRUE: This battle isn’t against flesh + blood, but the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
GOOD NEWS: Only 1/3 of the angels fell with Lucifer (Rev. 12), so the other 2/3? Still on God’s side + for those in Christ, that means ours too.👊
And if we echo Elisha’s prayer, “Open our eyes, Lord + let us see”? Who knows—maybe we’ll also see the hills full of horses + chariots of fire all around us too.🔥(v. 17)