Whatever Will We Do… Now?


🙋‍♀️Anyone else saying to OUR CIRCUMSTANCES what Elisha’s servant said to HIS?

“Oh, what will we do NOW?”😩 (2 Kings 6:15) Whatever will we do as a nation, as Christians, as mothers NOW?

If you’re nodding along with me, may Elisha’s response burrow deep down in our very core: “Don’t be afraid! For there are more on our side than on theirs!” (v. 16)

STILL IS TRUE: This battle isn’t against flesh + blood, but the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

GOOD NEWS: Only 1/3 of the angels fell with Lucifer (Rev. 12), so the other 2/3? Still on God’s side + for those in Christ, that means ours too.👊

And if we echo Elisha’s prayer, “Open our eyes, Lord + let us see”? Who knows—maybe we’ll also see the hills full of horses + chariots of fire all around us too.🔥(v. 17)

Heidi Lee Anderson

Heidi Lee Anderson is a writer, speaker, and stay-at-home mom. While crafting Instagram devotionals @heidileeanderson and writing kid’s curriculum @thismotherhen and teaching biblical online courses, she’s a master at cleaning up Cheerios spills and building LEGO towers while simultaneously chugging coffee like a Gilmore. Heidi has a bachelor’s degree in marketing from University of Northwestern, MN, and has spent her career doing ministry—from teaching hundreds in kids’ ministry to writing daily devotionals, Bible reading plans, and small group curriculum as a content developer. After being diagnosed with cancer, Heidi’s fuel is now to make sure that Christ-followers realize, know, and claim the sure promises God offers—in the mundane, amid the heartache, and on top of the highest mountains.


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