life was all good until ________________.
The diagnosis. You lost a close family member. You were blindsided by a financial hardship, hurt by a broken relationship or dream unfulfilled, and now you’re wondering:
What if the worst-case happens? What if it’s taking forever… or never happens? Where’s God and how could He ever flip this for good?
Good news: God isn’t silent about any of the above, and by getting to know Bible heroes’ backstories before zeroing in on their highlight reels, we’ll not only find our own stories, fears, disappointments, and questions mirrored—we’ll find the answers along the way too. Grab your walking shoes and strap on your FitBit, because we’ve got places to go following these footsteps:
Gideon “What if I don’t have what it takes?”
Esther “What do I do when God feels silent?”
Joshua “What if God’s promises don’t line up with my reality?”
Martha “What about when the worst-case happens?”
And oh yeah, 16 CHAPTERS MORE.
In the end, we’ll see just like these Bible heroes did that—no matter how it looks right now—God alone holds the final word and it’s not only going to be okay, but…
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or tune into my audiobook
As if sitting across from me over a cup of ☕️, you’ll hear my passion, intention + humor woven throughout every minute of this audiobook as we follow behind the footsteps of 20 different Bible heroes.