Disney Princesses v. Bible Belles
Our girls can RATTLE off the Disney princesses... but how many know the stories of the Bible Belles?
You know, Deborah, Hannah, Abigail + maybe Ruth and Esther too?
✨Sad or helpless? Hannah shows the power of PRAYER.🙏
✨ Confidence lacking? Abigail shows how to have FULL TRUST—not in ourselves, but in our God.👊
✨From a judge to a military leader that led the way to an entire nation’s survival, our girls can rise up in leadership like Deborah too.🙌
Our world is not what it used to be, sure. But just like He positioned Esther to face off Haman, God also created our kids WITH INTENTION to live in such a time as this. ➡️Don’t fear it, but rise up for it.⬅️ Because lives CHANGE when we realize we are daughters of the Most High King.👑
Which Bible hero is YOUR favorite to tell?👇