I’ll never forget sitting on that crinkly white paper, looking at the doctor + hearing those 3 words that sucked the air (and hope) right out of me.


Ever since that day, with annual scans and appointments (and plenty of scares in between), I’ve had to battle against fear, anxiety, stress + overwhelm more than I’d like… and maybe you feel the same in the face of your own trials too.

good news for us:

We have a conquering Savior, who tells us we are more than conquerors too (Rom. 8:37), that spirit of fear is not from Him (2 Tim. 1:7), and we are armed with everything we need to diffuse the enemy’s attacks and stand firm in the faith (Eph. 6).

all in all: this battle is one we can win + one that’s already won.

In this 4-week course, Heidi walks you through a biblical 4-part funnel that you can go through every time you feel faith falter and come out on the other side feeling strong and confident in Him, able to choose faith over everything.

You don’t have to be sucked into the what-if, worst-case scenarios anymore… and you don’t have to fight it alone either. Thanks to Jesus—you can in fact live FREE for that’s exactly why He came in the first place (John 10:10). And girlfriend?

I’m gonna (personally) help you get there.


  • 1) Daily video teaching for 4 weeks

    Since it's only when we know the truth that we are set free (John 8:32), these video teachings are chock-full of truth, created so you can tune in every weekday when convenient, pause when the kids (or your boss) need you + empower you to work your way through the 4-part funnel.

    Average length: 5-10 minutes.

  • 2) Workbook ebook

    This Faith Over Everything workbook will guide you through the teaching videos with journal + prayer prompts to help you take it further, know how to apply to your exact situation, and dive into your own guided personal study.

  • 3) Private community

    Just like with Eve, the enemy, our deceiver, does his best work when we are alone, struggling alone, processing alone, trying-to-hold-ourselves-up-in-the-privacy-of-our-own-bedroom-closet alone. Not us. Not anymore. As a group, we’re going to battle together—and in the name of Jesus, we will see chains break, your sagging shoulders finally lift, and we will indeed taste + see that the Lord is good. (Hosted on my private Instagram page)

  • 4) Heidi's Mobile #

    Yeah, you read that right… things just got personal! Send any questions, prayer requests, or details of your recent Hulu binge to me on Text Me Tuesdays (10/8, 15, 22, 29). Receive real-time advice, encouragement, prayer, (and possibly memes) that’ll make you laugh back.

    This isn’t counseling; it’s 1:1 mentorship and friendship!




  • Only offering 1x this year!

  • Recorded sessions to do at your own pace. Pause when you need, play when you can with lifetime access to the content.

  • eBook sent immediately upon purchase as a digital download.

  • My phone number for 1:1 mentorship.

  • Fair warning: This is the cheapest it’ll ever be!